Now that your domestic relocation is finally over, all the boxes are unloaded and you have to just unpack and make yourself feel at home at your new place. What the best way to accomplish that is, you ask? Well, there are many things that you can actually do:
- Go meet the neighbours
- Explore your new area of residence
- Check out local amenities
- Stay closer with your family and focus on family-related activities
But on this list, there is one thing that is an absolute must and you should not overlook it at any cost, and that is the house-warming party.
Why it is important to held an event at your new home
Think about it. Post relocation depression is a real thing that is actually holding the potential of being a great problem. Many people worry about getting out of touch with their friends once they relocate to another place. It is very likely that you are going to feel alone and isolated in the first several days after the move. The most logical thing to do is all those situations is to actually show yourself that you can still have fun with your closest people, and you will be seeing each other again and again. Nothing has changed so drastically. Not to mention the fact that the warmth of all the love that is going to be spread at that party will fill up your new house and make it feel like home indeed. It is not necessary for the housewarming party to be a bash, so even if you feel tired and not in the mood, you should get down to planning it as soon as possible.
A few useful tips for your upcoming party
Here are several suggestions that will help you make the event a night to remember:
- Make a list of all the people that you want to invite and then call them. Just remember to limit the guests to the amount of people that are suitable for the space you have.
- Plan what food is to be served. Factors that you should consider include how many people are going to come, and whether or not you have a fully functional kitchen already. Fresh fruits and vegetables with dips, cheese, crackers, deli meats, sandwiches are all viable party food in case you do not feel like going Marta Steward in the kitchen. Or you can just order pizza
- If you would be serving alcohol, you should not forget to offer as wide a variety as your budget allows – if you have red wine, you should get white wine as well. It would be best if you know how to mix cocktails, or have a friend that does.
- Do not overdo on the decoration. Of course you want to boast about your new home, but the people would be coming for you, not the house. Make sure though that all the rooms that would be seen by the guests are unpacked and the items are properly arranged.
- Just enjoy yourself.